Calculate and maintain your ideal body weight

A person can maintain his ideal body weight by calculating his BMI, i.e. body mass index. Body mass index is a number calculated from a person's weight and height.The formula for calculating BMI is as follows:

BMI= weight in kilograms/ height in meters

BMI Weight Status

If your BMI is below 18.5 it means you are Underweight
If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 it means you are Normal
If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 it means you are Overweight
If your BMI is 30 and above it means you are Obese

Now there is another term called basal energy expenditure or BEE it is nothing but the amount of energy required to maintain the body's normal metabolic activity like respiration, maintenance of body temperature, etc.

Male: BEE = 66.67 + 13.75W + 5H - 6.76A.

Female: BEE = 665.1 + 9.56W +1.85H -4.68A.

Where H= height in centimeters, W= weight in kg, A= age in years.

Steps to calculate ideal weight

1. Compute BEE. This gives the number of calories required by a person in the resting state.

2. Multiply BEE by 1.2 to determine number of calories used during daily activity.

3. Subtract 500 from the value calculated from step 2 to determine kilocalorie requirement for weight loss.

4. Add 500 from the value calculated from step 2 to determine kilocalorie requirement for weight gain.

This will help you to maintain your ideal weight.

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